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  • Writer's pictureFoul for a Fool

Great Seafood and No Thrills at Ibn Hamido

Port Said is famous for its seafood and Ibn Hamido stands out as a great place to try what the city has to offer. Either from the menu or from the fish counter by weight, Ibn Hamido offers the classic Egyptian take on seafood, which is a refreshing break for many outside of Egypt who have become accustomed to simply grilled fish with a slice of lemon as the standard.

The restuarant is named after the 1957 comedy classic Ibn Hamido (Son of Hamido), starring the legendary Ismail Yassin, which tells the tale of two undercover policemen undercover as fisherman on a mission to uncover a criminal gang smuggling drugs in crates of fish.

While the restaurant itself does not present a memorable experience in terms of location, views, or uniqueness, the seafood itself is high quality and cooked to perfection. The place is relatively well-priced and is an easy and clean option for those after a long tiring day that aren't quite up for something a little more adventurous or memorable, as can be found in the old fish market or the old city's narrow streets.

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